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  • 更新时间:2013-09-02
  • 论文字数:7107
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  • 课题来源:(Angela)提供原创文章


Abstract:In recent years, more and more foreign language scholars at home and abroad pay more attention to the methods of increasing cross-culture background knowledge, leading a series of study on cross-culture. However, most of the subjects of existing studies are teachers’ pedagogical methods. Therefore, this study attempts to explore different methods of increasing cross-culture background knowledge by English majors themselves.

   In this study, first of all, it is a survey in form of questionnaire to investigate the existing methods from private colleges’ English majors. And then it is an analysis to the collection. The questionnaire investigation and the analysis show that: The current situation of ways for English majors to increase their cross-culture background knowledge is limited. Most students get cross-culture background knowledge from teachers in the class.This study is aimed to share some insights into methods of increasing cross-culture background knowledge by English majors themselves to help them improve their English learning.    

Key Words: English major; cross-culture background knowledge; method; English learning



