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Abstract:College English Test Band 4(CET4) is one of the exams to check non-English major students’ English proficiency, and our society cares more and more about English skills so CET4 is as an impotent certification for them to improve their English skills. Naturally CET4 has become an integral part of college students’ daily learning.

   In recent decades, Western applied linguists and psychologists have carried out a large number of empirical researches on individual differences of students, the results show that a set of teaching method is not so suitable for all language learners. But in our country there are very few articles integrating the learning strategy of the personal characteristics with the CET4 scores. So it is a very important college English learning subject for non-English majors as a huge English learning group to improve their English skills. This study investigated the general level of CET4 learning strategies implemented by the non-English majors in different college with the questionnaires and interviews. It was found that: Most of students failed to find out the cause influencing CET4 scores so that their knowledge about learning strategies is not systematic. According to the factors related to affect CET4 scores, it is suggested that non-English majors should improve their learning strategies.  

Key Words:non-English majors, College English Test Band 4(CET4), differences of  scores,cause, learning strategies




关键词: 非专业英语学生 英语四级考试  成绩差异 原因 学习策略