Abstract:This paper gives a review of MT in terms of four aspects, namely, the definition of MT, the linguistic techniques in MT, the historical development of MT, the positive and negative views toward MT. In the part of linguistic techniques, three kinds of techniques: “direction and indirection”, “interlingua and transfer” and “local and global scope” are employed. In the chapter concerning the historical development of MT, it briefly introduces three generations of MT. This paper also studies different genres of texts translated by Google Translate to testify the existing opinions, i.e. machine translation works more efficiently but needs post-human editing to a large extent. In the case study of Google, the texts to be translated have been carefully elected based on several metrics, including sentence types, amount of pragmatic information and semantic domain. Based on the analyses of sample texts, the error genres frequently appearing in MT can be classified into three types: lexical genre, grammatical genre and pragmatic genre.
Key words: MT, linguistic techniques, Google translate.