Abstract:This study aims at exploring the violation of the cooperative principle in newspaper headlines and its attractive function. Due to its wide readership and great social influence, news plays an important role in our daily life. The news headline is the eye of news and thus has to attract readers’ attention. This research can help improve the writing and comprehension of news headlines. The appropriate use of the violation of the CP can add appeal to headlines and help reporters reach expected goals and achieve communicative effects.
Headlines in the 21st Century English newspaper from January to June in 2010 have been used as data. They are analyzed in terms of their respective way of violation and effects according to four maxims-quantity, quality, relation and manner of this principle. It is found that rhetoric devices are one quite frequently used way of violation. Besides, interrogative questions and information lacking are also used a lot. The study indicates that the violation of the cooperative principle is a common and effective method utilized by journalists to achieve the attractive function. The style and readers of this paper are also taken into consideration to justify the necessity of the violation.
Key words: newspaper headlines, Cooperative Principle, violation, attractive function
摘要:本论文主要研究在英语新闻标题中合作原则的违反现象与标题的吸引功能。新闻由于其广泛的读者群和巨大的社会影响力在我们日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。新闻标题作为新闻的眼睛也具有着极高的研究价值。此研究有助于新闻标题的撰写和理解,增强新闻的可读度。本次研究通过对21世纪报2010年上半年报纸中时事,观点,视野三个板块中的所有标题进行分析。然后从合作原则中的四个准则—质量, 数量,方式,关系准则入手,分别研究各自违反的方式以及这种违反是如何实现标题的吸引功能的。同时从该报纸的定位方向深入挖掘合作原则违反的影响因素及适用范围。研究发现在这份报纸中合作原则的违反率极高,其中通过修辞方式违反各个准则的频率较高,此外,问句和省略关键信息也是有效手段。通过对合作的违反使标题更加有趣,新颖和吸引人,从而适应大学生的阅读要求。