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ABSTRACT:In September 1845,a strange disease struck the potatoes as they grew in fields across Ireland. Many of the potatoes were found to have gone black and rotten and their leaves had withered. In the harvest of 1845, between one-third and half of the potato crop was destroyed by the strange disease, which became known as “potato blight”, also know as Great Famine. In this paper. 

   In this paper, I will focus on the effects of potato blight bring. For example, the effect on the population, the effect on demographics and the emigration and so on. In this paper, it will introduce more about the famine and the effects, it also pay attention to the affection on nowadays which affect by the famine. As the potato blight influenced the Irish people so much, I choose this topic to tell the terrible of the disease and the importance of fighting with the disease.

Keywords: effect   potato blight   Irish


摘要:1845年9月,一个奇怪的疾病袭击了爱尔兰的土豆。在许多土豆出现了黑点或腐烂,叶片也变得枯萎。在本应丰收的1845年,三分之一以上的马铃薯作物被这奇怪的疾病摧毁了,这被称为“马铃薯枯萎病” ,又称大饥荒。本文将着重介绍土豆枯萎病产生的原因,以及对爱尔兰人的几个重要影响,如人口方面,移民,以及农业等方面。


关键词:影响 土豆枯萎病 爱尔兰


   In September 1845,a strange disease struck the potatoes as they grew in fields across Ireland. Many of the potatoes were found to have gone black and rotten and their leaves had withered. In the harvest of 1845, between one-third and half of the potato crop was destroyed by the strange disease, which became known as 'potato blight'. It was not possible to eat the blighted potatoes, and the rest of 1845 was a period of hardship, although not starvation, for those who depended on it. The price of potatoes more than doubled over the winter: a hundredweight [50kg] of potatoes rose in price from 16p to 36p. It is now known that the same potato blight struck in the USA in 1843 and 1844 and in Canada in 1844. It is thought that the disease travelled to Europe on trade ships and spread to England and finally to Ireland, striking the south-east first.