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Abstract:In literature, psychology research has created a new way to study literature works that mainly show the spirits of human, but also enriched these works’ connotative meaning. It will enable explain these freak behaviors and strange personalities that still cannot be explained rationally. This study will analyze Julien’s strange ideas and behaviors from Afred Adler and Sigmund Freud’s theories. According to Julien’s inferiority and surpassing of inferiority to study its tragic life. In this paper, it will mainly study the reasons that leads his inferiority, the process that he struggles with inferiority, and finally how he surpasses his inferiority. 

Keywords:  Psychology  Inferiority  Surpassing of Inferiority


摘要:在文学中, 心理学的研究为表现人类精神方面的文学作品开辟了一条新路径, 丰富了文学作品的内涵,从新的角度为理性无法解释的文学作品人物的怪诞行为提供了答案。法国作家司汤达政治心理小说《红与黑》中的主人公于连的怪异的心理和行为, 从阿德勒和弗洛伊德理论就能得出一种新的解释。本文力求从本我、自我和超我的角度分析于连的矛盾性格,以及由此性格而导致的可恨又可悲的命运。研究他是如何战挣扎于自卑与超越,并且最终战胜自卑,超越自我,展现自身人格魅力的过程。

关键词:心理学 自卑 超越


   Due to his class, Julien became inferiority, and in his whole life, he tried to surpassing his inferiority. The two aspects (inferiority and surpassing of inferiority) were existed to supplement each other. And they also lead Julien’s complexity and versatility. The society he lived made him had to maintain his own self-respect, however, his common self-respect was from his inferiority. He was too proud to submit to his status, and then he used everything around him to fight with the upper class. Although he couldn’t break away from his tragic life, his life meaning is brave to surpassing. In this process, Julien’s value was able to show. 

   Julien’s life showed that one’s personalities can make one sometimes, but it also can destroy someone at the same time. With the change of one’s status, his spirit and behavior should advance with the times. Or he will fail finally. What’s more, according to Julien, it shows one’s childhood and family’s love play an important role in one’s personality’s formation, so one should pay much attention to our family members.