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Abstract: Based on some first-hand material collected from several fact-finding tours, this paper focuses on the current situation of English translations of the public signs of the newly operated Nanjing metro south extension of line 1 and line 2. The result shows that the general situation of English translation of Nanjing metro public signs is optimistic; however, there still exist certain problems that need to be improved. After some data analysis, this paper puts forward some suggestions for further improvement. It is hoped that the present study can provide a new critical sight into the English translation of public signs in the newly operated Nanjing metro.

Key words: translation; Nanjing newly operated metros; English translation of public signs


摘要:本文就新近开通的南京地铁一号线南延线及二号线公示语进行实地调查,搜集和分析相关数据并报告南京新近开通地铁公示语英译现状,发现存在的问题及对其看法和评估。本文将通过对南京新开通地铁公示语英译实例深入探讨和研究,找出优秀译例, 并对误译提出相应翻译改进措施以供参考,旨在为南京新地铁公示语英译提供新的批评视角。
