Abstract:With the development of economy and culture in modern time, more and more people pay attention to their manners in different occasions, especially when we are invited by our foreign friends or when we invite them to have meals with us, good dining manners are very essential for us. Our words and our behaviors mean who we are. So, we should understand some useful and interesting dinning manners.
The paper analyses table manners between Chinese and Western cultures, which includes the following parts: Part one presents the development of culture; Part two presents cultural differences; Part three presents table manners; Part four presents taboos of Chinese chopsticks and Western dinning manners; Part five presents the signficance of table manners.
In a word, this paper make more people get familiar with the differences of table manners from different cultures, and promote cultural communication between China and Western countries.
Key words: table; meal; culture; difference
中文摘要:在现代社会生活中, 随着经济与文化的发展, 讲究文明礼貌,注重礼仪礼节, 越来越成为人们的一种共识。讲礼貌,懂礼仪,不仅能提高自己的自身素质,而且还能给大家留下深刻印象。 尤其是当你与你的家人、朋友一起共进晚餐时,讲礼貌,懂礼仪是必不可少的。
本文通过分析中西文化中的餐桌礼仪差异, 意旨在于使更多的人了解中西餐饮文化的差异,开阔人们的视野,促进中西方的文化交流。本文可分为五个部分:第一部分:介绍文化发展与礼仪的关系;第二部分:餐桌文化的基本差别;第三部分:餐桌文化的用餐细节;第四部分:中国筷子和西方餐饮的禁忌;第五部分:总结中西方餐桌文化礼仪差异的意义。