Abstract:When symbolism is mentioned, Nathaniel Hawthorne can not be ignored. Nathaniel Hawthorne was the most famous American Romantic novelist in the 19th century and now is considered to be one of the founders of symbolism in novel. The Scarlet Letter is the masterpiece in symbolism, the first symbolism novel in the history of American literature, and one of the most outstanding full-length novel in 19th century. There are numerous objects standing for some meanings. From some passages in The Scarlet letter, its own meaning, and Greek mythology, the wild rose can be analyzed to several symbolic meanings. The rose stands for brace Hester, True love between Hester and her lover, and Pearl.
Key words: Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter symbolism Rose
摘要:提到象征主义,就不能不说纳撒尼尔 霍桑,他是美国19世纪著名的浪漫主义小说家,同时也被认定为象征主义文学的鼻祖之一。而红字这部作品又是他运用象征主义的典型代笔。因为这部作品里包含了众多象征物。而玫瑰这一并不起眼的细小事物,也是带有了独特的象征意义。我们可以从玫瑰在红字中所出现的章节,她本身的意义,和希腊神话中她所具有的意义的出发点来分析玫瑰的象征主义。玫瑰象征着主人公海斯特,珠儿,还有海斯特与丁梅斯代尔之间的爱情。
关键词:纳撒尼尔 霍桑 红字 象征主义 玫瑰