Abstract: Color is a kind of objective physical form. The color words are very abundant in both English and Chinese cultures. Because of the history background, geographic location, customs habit, culture environment, national psychology and the way of thinking are different, the associations, the symbolic and the implied meanings of different color words are different in the Chinese and English nations. This paper will focus on the two words “yellow” and “blue” to analyze their different connotations in Chinese and English cultures, and discuss the reasons, so that we are able to know better about the culture differences and do better in English learning and cross-cultural communications.
Key words: yellow; blue; culture connotation; reason;
摘要: 颜色是一种客观的物质形态,英汉文化中表示颜色的词语都很丰富。由于历史背景、地理位置、风俗习惯、文化环境、民族心理和思维方式等差异,英汉两个民族对各种颜色所产生的联想、象征的意义、蕴含的寓意不尽相同。本文以“黄色”和“蓝色”为例,分析它们在英汉文化中的不同内涵,探寻其原因,以帮助我们更好地了解英汉文化间的差异,使我们能更好地学习英语,进行跨文化交际。
关键词: 黄色;蓝色;文化内涵;原因