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Abstract: This thesis makes a contrastive study between Chinese patterns of thought and Western patterns of thought, so as to reveal that Chinese and Westerners are largely different in their mentality, which is embodied in their linguistic expression respectively. Basically, Chinese patterns of thought are integral, concrete and circular while Western patterns of thought are analytical, abstract and linear. Chinese integral patterns of thought induce Chinese parataxis grammar and general-particular narrative order while Western analytical pattern of thought leads to hypotaxis grammar and particular-general narrative order. The concreteness in Chinese language corresponds to Chinese concrete pattern of thought and abstractness in Western language to Western abstract pattern of thought. It discusses the effect of thought patterns, which are the inmost mechanism of language generation and development, on translation. The idea is put forward that it is necessary to make transfer between Chinese patterns of thought and Western ones in the course of translating in order to obtain a natural and idiomatic translation. The last part of the thesis is concerned with the implication of all the above analysis for E-C translation. In other words, it deals with the application of the results of the analysis to E-C translation, and points out the importance of transfer of thought patterns in the course of translation. Moreover, it put forward some methods of transfer in translation. 

Key words: Chinese and Western patterns of thought; linguistic expression; Transfer of thought


摘要: 本文试图从中西思维方式及其表现形式---语言的差异入手,窥探中西心智深层结构的不同。对中西思维方式特点作出了一个概括性总结,认为中国思维方式属于整体性、具体型、圆形思维,而西方思维方式属于分析性、抽象型、线形思维。中国的整体式思维形成了中文重意合的语法特点、由整体到局部叙事顺序,西方的分析思维形成了重形合的语法特点、由局部到整体的叙事顺序。语言的具体性和抽象性分别与中国的具体思维和西方的线形思维相对应。然后讨论了语言生成和发展的深层机制---思维方式的差异对翻译的影响,并提出翻译过程中,需要通过思维方式的转换,使译文地道、自然,符合目的语的表达习惯。最后指出中西思维方式和语言在中西语言翻译上的启示,其实是分析结果在英汉翻译的应用。指出在翻译过程中思维方式转换的重要性。并提出了一些译法。
