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Abstract:Guangdong province locates in the Pearl River Valley. Three rivers’ (Dong Jiang, Xi Jiang, Bei Jiang) convergence forms the unique Pearl River Delta. From the Maritime Silk Road on, Guangdong has long been keeping inextricably in touch with foreign cultures over water. The Pearl River is the mother river of Guangdong. Guangdong has owned unique cultural style, which has a close link with water. People are living beside the river, with its excellent geographical convenience. This paper displays in various aspects of how closely Lingnan is linked with water. Also typical facts are provided to show the cultural architecture, the special flavor of words and ethnic groups colored by water with multi-cultural, open and compatible features. As our country is rich with water culture, Pearl River Delta is but one of the major delta areas worth studying. Tibetan highland water and South of Chang Jiang water culture are taken to be compared with water culture of Lingnan so as to get a fine picture and helpful perception to further understand the typical characteristic in Lingnan culture, which possesses precious and dynamic resources.

Key words:  Lingnan culture; comparison; typical characteristic;


摘要:广东省位于珠江流域,东江、西江、北江三江交汇形成独特的珠江三角洲。广东文化借助海上丝绸之路,长久以来保持与海外文化千丝万缕的联系,吸收有益养分,使之成为自己的一部分。广东又以珠江为母亲河,省内河网交织,人们傍水而居,因其优越的地理位置,与水密不可分,形成了独特的岭南文化气息。本文从文化景观,方言采词,以及江河, 社会族群, 疍民生产生活等风情举例诠释了岭南文化的历史发展轨迹以及多元化、开放、兼容并蓄的特点。我国水文化底蕴深厚,珠江三角洲作为主要流域之一,值得深入研究探讨。通过对比江南水文化和青藏高原水文化,本文更进一步地了解展示岭南文化的典型特征。、

关键词 :岭南文化;对比;典型特征