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Abstract:London is a well-known lyric piece written by William Blake. London, 1802 is one of the most famous poems written by William Wordsworth. Both poems describe the same place—London. This paper tries to make a comparison between William Blake's London and Wordsworth's London, 1802. In this paper, the background of creating, the theme, the overall arrangement, the technique of writing, the tense and the subject will be analyzed to show their similarities and differences. In chapter 1, the author gives a brief introduction of the two poets. In chapter 2, the author gives a brief introduction of the two poems. In chapter3, the author shows us the differences through comparison. In London, William Blake writes in the first person "I", while the subject William Wordsworth used in his poem is "we". In London, the wide use of repetition, metonymy, metaphor, alliteration, rhythm techniques make the meaning more profound, and make the poem more beautiful. And it rhymes like this" abab, cdcd, efef, dgdg", while London, 1802 is an Italian sonnet, it rhymes like this" abba, abba, cdd, ece”. In London, William Blake uses present tense to describe the thing which happens in the past. In William Wordsworth's London, 1802, the author uses present tense and past tense. In chapter 4, it tells us the similarities, both poets are affected by the French Revolution; both poems reveal the terrible reality of the capitalism society of that time. In chapter 5,the author summarizes the differences and similarities. Though differences among the overall arrangement, the technique of writing, and the tense and the subject, it shows the two poets' writing style and both reveal the terrible reality of the capitalism society of that time.

Key words: William Blake; London; William Wordsworth; London, 1802


摘要: 《 伦敦 》是威廉·布莱克的一首著名的抒情诗,《 伦敦,1802年 》是威廉·华兹华斯的最著名的诗歌之一。两首诗描写了同一个地方-----伦敦。这篇论文对威廉·布莱克的《 伦敦 》威廉·华兹华斯的《 伦敦,1802年 》做了一个比较。本文从诗歌的创作背景、主旨、诗歌布局、写作技巧、及时态、主体分析两首诗歌的异同点。在第一章中,作者对两位诗人作了简单的介绍。在第二章中,作者对两首诗的主旨进行了简单概括。在第三章中,作者通过比较向我们展示了两首诗的不同点。在诗歌《伦敦》中,威廉·布莱克用第一人称创作, 而威廉·华兹华斯在诗中用的主语则是“我们” 。在《 伦敦 》中,重复,暗喻,头韵,押韵等技巧的广泛使用,使得诗歌意义更深刻, 诗歌更优美。而且, 它是这样押韵的“abab, cdcd, efef, dgdg”, 然而,《 伦敦,1802年 》是一首意大利十四行诗,它则像这样押韵" abba, abba, cdd, ece”。在诗歌《伦敦》中, 威廉·布莱克用一般现在时去描述发生在过去的事实,而威廉·华兹华斯在诗歌《 伦敦,1802年 》中,则运用了一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态。第四章告诉了我们两首诗的相同点。 两位诗人都受法国大革命的影响, 两首诗歌都揭示了资本主义背后的丑恶现实。第五章总结了两首诗的异同点。虽然在诗歌的布局、写作技巧及时态、主体的使用上各具特色,体现出各自不同的创作风格,但都揭示了繁荣的资本主义社会背后的丑恶现实。

关键词:威廉·布莱克;《 伦敦 》 ;威廉·华兹华斯; 《 伦敦,1802年 》