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  • 更新时间:2014-08-26
  • 论文字数:4841
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Abstract:The Triumph of the Egg is a famous short novel written by American writer Sherwood Anderson. It tells a story about a lower-class American family who holds the beautiful American Dream works very hard and struggles painstakingly to rise up in society. However, thanks to the tough reality, they finally don’t succeed.

  Combined with Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis theory, my paper analyzes the human nature emerging from the characteristics of the three main characters and the clashes between their human nature and reality. At the beginning, the paper briefly introduces the contents about the Freudian theory, which includes id, ego and super-ego. The first part of the main body focuses on the distinctive characteristics of the mother, the father and I. The second part aims at the huge influence that the reality brings to this family in terms of chicken raising and egg trick. At the end of the paper, it reveals a conclusion that when weak human nature meets powerful reality, it is the latter one that is superior to the previous one no matter how strong and hard the human nature tries to prove itself.

Key words: The triumph of the Egg, Sigmund Freud, human nature, reality


中文摘要:《鸡蛋的胜利》是美国作家舍伍德•安德森的一篇著名短片小说, 描写了美国的一个下层家庭深受压抑,但一直保持着“美国梦”,努力劳作,试图冲破障碍,进入上层社会。但由于残酷的社会现状,最终归于失败的故事。

