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Abstract: Fossilization means the cessation of language progress or long-term stabilization of language competence during the process of second language acquisition or learning other than the mother tongue, which makes second language acquisition unable to attain the competence of the mother tongue. This thesis firstly expounds the theory of interlanguage, and then introduces the research of fossilization from three respects, namely, causes, content, countermeasures. In terms of content, this thesis reviews from four respects, i.e. speech sounds, vocabulary, grammar, pragmatics. In conclusion, some problems are raised through the review. Finally, the significance of fossilization studies is discussed.

Key words: second language acquisition; interlanguage; fossilization; relieve; 


摘要 : 石化现象是指在母语之外的第二语言习得或者学习过程中通常难以避免的语言能力的停顿或者僵化现象,使得二语习得不能达到母语那样的熟练程度。本文首先介绍了中介语理论,然后介绍了近年来国内对石化现象的研究,从石化现象的成因,石化内容,应对策略三个角度来进行综述,而针对石化的内容再从语音,词汇,语法,语用四方面进行综述。在结论中,提出了国内关于石化现象研究中存在的问题,最后,讨论了石化现象研究的意义。 

关键词:二语习得; 中介语; 石化; 缓解