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Abstract:In recent 20 years, translation study has appeared two tendencies. One is that the translation theory has been linked with communication theory. The other is that people tend to emphasize the transformation of culture rather than language. The combination of the two tendencies makes translation a cross-cultural behavior. So how to deal with the cultural differences has been an subject for translation. Translators have had disagreements with each other for a long time. To deal with these cultural differences and bridge the gap between the source and target cultures during the process of translation, two strategies are generally applied: one is domestication which is target-culture-oriented, and the other is foreignisation which is source-culture-oriented. Whichever the strategy is, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. The translators should reasonably cope with the relationship of foreignization and domestication and have a clear idea of the differences in different cultures so as to keep the culture energetic and diversified. 

Keywords: translation strategy; domestication; foreignisation; cross-cultural


摘要:最近二十多年来,翻译研究中出现了两个明显的倾向: 一是翻译理论被深深地打上了交际理论的烙印;二是翻译过程从重视语言的转换转向了更重视文化的转换。这两种倾向的结合就使翻译被看作是一种跨文化的交际行为。因此, 如何处理翻译中的文化差异成为翻译学研究的课题之一。在这个问题上,翻译界内部一直有分歧, 学者们存在着两种对立的意见,即以源语文化为归宿的异化和以目的语文化为归宿的归化两种翻译策略。不管采用何种策略,都有着一定的优势和缺陷。译者在翻译过程中处理好归化和异化之间的关系,并能抓住不同文化间的差异,才能使翻译作品呈现出生命力。
