Abstract: This study aims to investigate lexical memorizing strategies on Chinese junior middle school students’ acquisition. Analysis in terms of phonology, morphology, and semantics gives rise to eight hypotheses. Corpus-based experimental investigations are carried out to test the hypotheses. The results show that scientific vocabulary memory strategies can promote learners’ study efficiency and stimulate their learning interest and confidence. The paper concludes that vocabulary, as the basic element of language acquisition, can be learned through good memory strategies to solve the problem of low efficiency.
Key words: English vocabulary; memorizing psychology; memorizing regulations; memorizing strategy
摘要: 英语词汇的记忆法是建立在记忆心理和人脑的记忆规律上的。本文据此从音韵学、形态学、语义学角度出发,提出八种词汇记忆策略。并通过文献和实验的形式证明,要解决英语词汇记忆效率低的现实问题,就要用有关记忆的理论来分析和探讨英语词汇的记忆方法,不断挖掘学生们的记忆潜能,这对于提高学习英语的兴趣、效率很有帮助。