Abstract:Education is not only a matter of a student, but also of a teacher. The relationship between teacher and student is the basic relationship during the teaching and learning process. The relationship should be harmonious and not negatively affect students’ learning enthusiasm or the teacher’s teaching passion, because this relationship strongly influences teaching and learning effectiveness. Therefore, it is more and more important to establish a harmonious teacher-student relationship. In order to investigate the current condition of the teacher-student relationship, the author prepared questionnaires for students and interviews for teachers. After analyzing the answers, the author points out existing problems and also gives some valuable countermeasures.
Key words: teacher-student relationship; learning effectiveness; problems and solutions
中文摘要:教学活动是师生之间的双边活动,师生关系是维系教学活动的基本关系,师生关系的和谐与否直接影响着学生学习的热情以及教师教学的激情,同时还严重影响着学生学习的效率。因此如何建立和谐的师生关系也越来越受到人们的重视。 本文采用问卷调查和采访两种调查方式分别对学生和教师进行调查,对师生关系的现状做了一个基本的概括。调查结果显示现在的师生关系或多或少存在着一些问题,作者根据存在的问题有针对性的提出了一些解决办法,希望对各位读者有所启示。
关键词: 师生关系; 学习效率; 问题及解决办法