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ABSTRACT:The concept of self-efficacy was proposed by Albert Bandura, a cognitive psychologist in 1977. Self-efficacy is the individuals’ beliefs about their capabilities to complete a task at designated levels (Bandura, 1986). Students' perceived abilities in English learning are referred as English learning self-efficacy. Self-efficacy beliefs affect the choices people make, the effort students expend on activities, the perseverance students show in the face of difficulties and it has great influence on the students’ English learning in college.

    In this paper, both questionnaire and interview are adopted to investigate second year non-English majors’ self-efficacy. The finding shows that: 1.The students have higher self-efficacy beliefs about English learning; 2. There exists gender difference between male and female college students in the level of language self-efficacy; 3. Vicarious experience and verbal persuasion were the most prominent influential factors of English self-efficacy for the second-year non-English majors in Honghe University, strategies use and learners' previous success, emotion, physical state also mainly influenced Non-English majors’ English self-efficacy. 

Keywords: English Learning Self-efficacy; Non-English Majors; Gender Difference; Influential Factors



为了了解红河学院非英语专业二年级学生在学习过程中的自我效能感情况和影响自我效能感的因素,本文运用问卷和访谈两种调查方法,对140名学生进行了调查研究,结果显示:1.红河学院非英语专业二年级学生英语学习自我效能感的水平较低;2. 男女生在自我效能感水平上存在差异;3. 口头劝说和替代性经验为红河学院非英语专业二年级学生英语学习主要影响自我效能感的突出因素,学习策略的使用,学生先前经验和自身心理因素是导致学生自我效能感的主要原因。
