
  • 需要金币500 个金币
  • 资料包括:完整论文,开题报告,任务书
  • 转换比率:金钱 X 10=金币数量, 即1元=10金币
  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2015-03-09
  • 论文字数:4543
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 外语论文 > 英语论文 >
  • 课题来源:(lovefish)提供原创文章


Abstract: English is the most important foreign language that is being taught and learned in China. We must realize that English teaching requires not only well-determined and committed teachers but also creative and effective teaching techniques, of which task-based language teaching method is the most effective. This thesis writes about the information of task-based language teaching method and how to put this method into English reading teaching.

Key words: English, teaching techniques, task-based language teaching, English reading teaching


