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  • 更新时间:2016-06-14
  • 论文字数:5136
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  • 课题来源:(好男孩)提供原创文章


Abstract:This thesis is on the basis of the studies of individual differences in Second Language Acquisition (short for SLA) research and its application in foreign language teaching. Even now there is no a peculiar connection between a particular view of SLA and a particular theory of foreign language teaching, our teaching activities undoubtedly reflect our view of SLA. That is, findings of SLA provide a body of knowledge for teachers to evaluate their own pedagogic practice. And, one of the most significant parts in SLA research is individual learner factors. As we all know China has the largest number of learners of English as a foreign language in the world. The learning situations and arms of English learners vary from person to person. So, it is necessary to conduct a research into them. Just as Oxford says, in case teachers do not know their students at all, how do they trigger their students? In this paper, discussion will be restricted to three general individual factors which have received the most attention in SLA research: age, personality and motivation. The research will, to some extent, not only bloom the SLA study, but also help language teachers to learn more about their students.


Key words: second language acquisition; foreign language teaching; individual differences.





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Several Factors Affect Foreign Language Teaching-2

4. Age-2

4.1 Age in SLA-2

4.2 Age in Foreign Language Teaching-3

5. Personality-5

5.1 Extroversion and Introversion-5

5.2 Personality in SLA-5

5.3 Personality in Foreign Language Teaching-7

6. Motivation in SLA and Pedagogical Implication-7

6.1 Instrumental and Integrative-8

6.2 Resultative Motivation-9

6.3 Intrinsic Motivation-10

7. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-12