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  • 更新时间:2016-10-27
  • 论文字数:7027
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  • 课题来源:(西部姑娘)提供原创文章


Abstract:People always tend to judge and interpret different cultures in accordance with their own cultural traditions, ways of thinking and the things they are familiar with.(姓名,年份:页码) It is difficult to get rid of the influence from the traditions of their cultures when they get into touch with an exotic culture, therefore, misreading is caused. As a result of such conflict, the character of the figures and the cultural connotations that involved diverge, to a large extent, in the two cultures. American animated film Mulan that sweeps the whole world is based on the classic Chinese Poem Ode of Mulan. Film writers and directors from DreamWorks of Hollywood figured out and interpreted the image of Mulan and the cultural background of the story in their own way, making Mulan a spokesman for the American feminism by infusing the spirit of western cultures and combining the unique sight and life experience of women. The movie Mulan has weakened Chinese filial obedience spirit and tradition by strengthening the exploration and realization of American self-worth, advocating the free and independent values ​​of pursuing individualism and the heroic ideal of manifest destiny, as well as, emphasizing the importance of individual dignity and outlook on life with a sense of mission and justice.


 The thesis mainly talks about the imagination and misreading of Chinese culture in the American animated film Mulan against Chinese classic poem Ode of Mulan, trying to inspire people, when appreciating transnational works, to improve their analysis sensitivity on the difference of the cultures and decode the works from various aspects with multi-views in order to see the conformity and conflict between the two cultures, the manifestation of American culture and misreading of Chinese culture.


Keywords: Different Cultures  Disney  Mulan  Filtering and Misreading of the culture





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Inheritance and Rebellion of the Story-2

2.1 Inheritance of the Story-2

2.1.1 Manifestation of Ancient Women’s Traditional Morality-2

2.1.2 Description of the Characters and Traditional Cultural Factors-2

2.2 Rebellion of the Story-3

2.2.1 Intentional Creative Misreading of the Subject-3

2.2.2 Reflection of American Values-4

Chapter Three Disney’s Misreading of Chinese Culture in the Animation film “Mulan”-5

3.1 Superficial Presentation of Chinese Cultural Features in the Film-5

3.1.1 Chinese Cultural Elements Implicated in the Film-5

3.1.2 Disney’s patchwork of time and social characteristics on Chinese cultures-5

3.2 Disney’s Imagination of Chinese Cultural Elements in the Film-6

3.2.1 The Transition of Mulan’s Character from a Lady to a Cowboy-6

3.2.2 Strong Color of Feminism-7

3.2.3 Infusion of the Modern Western Spiritual Values-8

3.3 Impact of Different Cultural Backgrounds on Transnational Works-8

3.3.1 Westernization of Mulan’s Motivation to Join the Army-9

3.3.2 Breaking of Traditions and Practicing of Freedom-9

3.3.3 American-style Outlook of Self-exploration on Life-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-12
