Abstract:This paper aims to comprehend Orwell’s purpose of writing and the connotation of Animal Farm by analyzing the experience of the writer, the era that writer lived in, rhetorical devices in this novel and the nature of totalitarianism. This paper will analyze Orwell’s satire and criticism on totalitarianism, making people realize perniciousness of totalitarianism and maintain vigilance against totalitarianism.
Key words: Animal Farm; Orwell; totalitarianism
1. Introduction1
2. The typical characters under totalitarianism in Animal Farm .2
2.1 Snowball and Napoleon
2.2 Squealer and Boxer
2.3 Benjamin
3. The nature of totalitarianism in Animal Farm.5
3.1 Anti-civilization
3.2 Anti-order
3.3 Anti-reality
3.4 Anti-responsibility
4. Orwell’s views on totalitarianism7
5. Conclusion9