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Sometimes, it is easy to result in misunderstanding under the circumstance that people are not familiar with culture and customs of China or Western countries. Misunderstanding if not dealt with in a moderate way will intensify contradiction and deterioration of each side’s relationship. The study is based on the understanding of the difference in politeness features between China and Western countries to know more about their culture and to learn from other’s strong points to offset self-weakness, to get rid of bias to opposite side , with the purpose of communicating pleasurably with both sides as well as promoting common prosperity.


Key words: China-Western culture; politeness features; common prosperity






2.Literature Review2

2.1 Western’s opinion.2

2.2 China’s opinion4

3. The Original Reasons Resulting in differences.7

3.1 The differences in thinking style7

3.2 The value of individualism and collectivism8

3.3 The different social power and status.9

4. The Differences in Daily Life.10

4.1 Social contact10

4.2 Taboos.11

4.3 Appellation.13

4.4 Invitation 14

4.5 Customs15

5. Conclusion.16
