Abstract: Diet and culture are closely related, and the characteristics of the diet culture in different countries are different. There are a lot of differences in Chinese and Western food culture. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter analyzes the differences of dietary concept between Chinese and Western. The second chapter compares the difference of eating pattern. The third chapter describes the different food components. The fourth chapter compares the different table manners. The last chapter analyzes the basic reason of the cultural differences between Chinese diet Western diet. The last chapter is divided into two parts, source of difference in Chinese and Western diet culture and the influence of Chinese and Western culture on diet culture. It will not only help us to understand the deep reasons of its culture, make people understand its profound cultural connotation and explore its cultural deposits, but also can improve our intercultural communicative competence. The two sides in communication effectively avoid the misconceptions and incomprehension which are brought by cultural differences. And it also promotes further cultural exchanges, complementary and fusion.
Key words: China and the West diet culture cultural difference
Chapter One Differences in diet concept-1
1.1Chinese Diet: Emphasize taste of food-1
1.2 Western Diet: Emphasize nutrition collocation of food-3
Chapter Two Differences in eating pattern-4
2.1 Chinese Die: Eat meal in one plate-5
2.2 Western Diet: Eat their own food-6
Chapter Three Difference in food components-8
3.1 Chinese Diet: Prefer vegetable dish-8
3.2 Western Diet: Prefer meat diet-9
Chapter Four Difference in dining etiquette-10
4.1 Chinese Diet: Respect for seniority-10
4.2 Western Diet: Ladies first-12
Chapter Five Causes of differences between Chinese and Western diet culture-13
5.1 Source of difference in Chinese and Western diet culture-13
5.2 The influence of Chinese and Western culture on diet culture-15