Nowadays, English teaching in middle schools always keeps the traditional teaching method, which puts much emphasis on students’ academic performances but neglects to inspire students’ interests and motivation in learning English. Because of this, many students gradually lost interests in learning English. Based on this, this study shows how the Stratification-based English Teaching was applied in middle schools, how does it differ from the traditional English teaching method and its advantages and existing problems I observed. This study includes six parts in total: the first part is the research background, writing purpose and the layout of this study; the second part is the literature review, which includes three main concepts in this study; the third part is the research methods and data collection, which shows what methods were used in this study and how dose the writer collect data; the forth part is the analysis of the data and findings; the fifth part is discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of the stratification-based English teaching method and factors influence learner motivation, and the last part is the conclusion. This study also shows how does the Stratification-based English Teaching have impacts on learner motivation. The thesis includes the researches and interviews, and some analysis and suggestions were put up.
Key Words: Stratification-based English Teaching; Learner motivation; Independent learning
1 Introduction-1
1.1 Research background-1
1.2 Purpose of the Thesis-3
1.3 Organize of the thesis-4
2 Literature Review-5
2.1 The Stratification-based English Teaching -5
2.2 Motivations-6
2.3 Independent Learning-7
3 Research Methods and Data Collection-9
3.1 The Study-9
3.2 Data Collection Methods-9
3.2.1 Questionnaire-9
3.1.2 Interview-10
4 Data Analysis and Findings-12
4.1 Questionnaire Results-12
4.2 Exam Results-13
4.3 Interviews-14
4.3.1 Interview with Mr Tang-14
4.3.2 Interview with A Group-B Student-15
4.3.3 Interview with A Student Under Traditional Teaching Ways-16
4.4 Classroom Observation-16
5 Discussion-19
5.1 The Factors That Influence Learner Motivation In Stratified English Class-19
5.1.1 The Role of the Teacher-19
5.1.2 The Classroom Environment-19
5.1.3 The Differences In Personalities and Values-20
5.2 The Impacts of Stratification-based English Teaching on Middle School Learner Motivation-21
5.2.1The Positive Impacts of Stratification-based English Teaching on Middle School Learner Motivation-21
5.2.2 The Negative Impacts of Stratification-based English Teaching on Middle School Learner Motivation-22
6 Conclusion-23
Appendix 1 Questionnaire-24
Appendix 2 Interview 1-25
Appendix 3 Interview 2-26
Appendix 4 Interview 3-27