With China’s entering the World Trade Organization and the deepening of reform and opening to the outside world, numerous foreign products have entered in China’s market. At the same time, domestic enterprises are eager to exploit the much bigger global markets. It has made cross-cultural advertising dissemination inevitable and presented greater challenges to advertising translation as well. Since advertisements are of a very practical type of writing with high commercial value, the key of advertising translation is to fulfill the intended function of advertisements. Vermeer’s Skopostheory, which emphasizes the function of target text, maintains that translation is a purposeful intercultural activity and may provide significant guidance for the translator and the translation. This thesis aims to present the implications of Skopostheory on Chinese and English advertisement translation by introducing Skopostheory, the characteristics of Chinese and English advertisements, and the applications of Skopostheory in advertisement translation.
Key words: Skopostheory; Chinese and English advertisements;
advertisement translation
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. Skopostheory-4
3.1 Definition-4
3.2 Three Rules of Skopostheory-4
4. Advertisement and Its Translation-5
4.1 Advertisement-5
4.2 Chinese and English Advertisement Translation-6
5. Implications of Skopostheory on Chinese and English Advertisement Translation-8
5.1 Implications for the Translator-8
5.2 Implications for the Translation Strategies-9
6. Conclusion-12
Works cited-13