This thesis introduces the reflection of Clyde’s tragedy by explaining the loss of morality and lack of his right of democracy. The author discloses the causes which resulted in Clyde’s tragedy politically, economically and culturally. Things like the expansion of the wealth gap, the influence of materialism and young generations’ strong desire for decayed lifestyles indicate Clyde’s tragedy. In addition, the transition of connotation of American dream, the desire for materialism and leading a life of pleasure, the submerging of Clyde’s moral bottom line resulted in Clyde’s tragedy.
As a conclusion, Clyde’s tragedy is both the tragedy of an individual and the tragedy of the whole American society.
Key Words: tragedy; reflections; causes; enlightenment
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
2.1 Domestic Studies on An American Tragedy-1
2.2 Studies on An American Tragedy abroad2
3. Reflections of Clyde’s tragedy in the book-3
3.1 Loss of Morality-3
3.2 Lack of Enjoyment of Democracy-5
4. Causes of Clyde’s Tragedy-5
4.1 Political Causes-5
4.2 Economic Causes.8
4.3 Cultural Causes-9
5. Conclusion-10
Works Cited-13