In the past years, lots of disasters have happened in the world. These disasters touch people’s hearts. More and more people are concerned about the natural disasters and human’s future. Based on this kind of psychology, disaster movies 2012 and Aftershock were produced. From cultural perspective, this paper makes a contrastive study on the values of catastrophic movies 2012 and Aftershock, aiming to find out the cultural roots for the similar and different values reflected in the two movies. This research can undoubtedly help people from different cultures understand each other better. What’s more, this paper hopes to provide some new thoughts and enlightenments for the people troubled by the cross-cultural shocks.
Key words: disaster movies; 2012; Aftershock; values; similarities and differences
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. Disaster Films-3
3.1 History of Disaster Films-3
3.2 Synopsis of 2012 and Aftershock-4
4. Similar Values Reflected in 2012 and Aftershock-5
4.1 Parents’ Love to Children-5
4.2 Family Concepts-6
4.3 Team Spirit-7
5. Different Values Reflected in 2012 and Aftershock-7
5.1 Future-oriented versus Past-oriented-7
5.2 Individualism versus Collectivism-8
5.3 Interests versus Righteousness-9
6. Conclusion-10
Works Cited-12