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A wedding is not only a turning point in people’s life, but also an integral part of a country’s culture. It plays an important role in economic globalization and the development of cultural diversity. Today, under the influence of different cultures, marriage customs vary from China to Western countries. This paper focuses on the different wedding customs between China and Western countries from several aspects: etiquettes, taboos, order, color, marriage media, and so on. Then the reasons of forming these differences are displayed, which are historic cultures, religious values. Only in this way can we promote the integration and exchange of China and the Western countries.


Keywords: Chinese wedding customs; Western wedding customs; differences; reasons






2.Literature Review.1

2.1Opinions of Chinese wedding cultures..1

2.2Opinions of Western wedding cultures..1

3.Chinese Wedding Customs ..2

3.1Etiquettes and customs at the Chinese wedding2

3.2Taboos at the Chinese wedding.3

3.3The order of Chinese wedding ceremony4


3.5Marriage media5

4.Western Wedding Customs ...5

4.1Etiquettes and customs at the Western wedding..6

4.2Taboos at the Western wedding..6

4.3The order of Western wedding ceremony7


4.5Marriage media8

5.Reasons for Differences8

5.1Different historic cultures..8

5.2Different religious values.9


Works Cited...12