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 In English teaching, reading teaching is an indispensable part. It is also a main approach to obtaining information. Nowadays, reading comprehension accounts for a large proportion of the tests in middle school. Though teachers continuously introduce all kinds of reading strategies in order to facilitate students’ reading comprehension ability, reading is still the bottleneck of students’ English learning. In recent years, linguists and cognitive psychologists have put forward the schema theory and analyzed the promoting effects of schema on reading. This thesis first examines the relationship between schema theory and reading, and the previous researches on schema theory. Next, the definition, types and functions of schema theory are presented. Then, the thesis elaborates the application of schema theory in schema-oriented English reading class and puts forward some implications on English reading teaching in middle schools.


Keywords: schema theory; reading comprehension; English reading teaching





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Relationship between schema theory and reading-2

2.2 Previous researches on schema theory in reading teaching abroad and at home-3

3. Schema Theory-5

3.1 The definition of schema theory-5

3.2 Types of schema theory-6

3.3 The functions of schema theory-7

4. Applications of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching-8

4.1 Teaching method in schema-oriented English reading class-9

4.2 Application of the teaching method-9

5. Implications of Schema Theory in Reading Teaching-12

6. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-14