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Vocabulary plays an important role in improving students’ reading comprehension. Reading can help students enlarge their vocabulary, and in return, knowing more words or having a large vocabulary can help students read more easily. So, vocabulary and reading supplement each other. Only when teachers pay attention to vocabulary teaching in teaching reading can they find efficient teaching methods and strategies to help students enlarge their vocabulary and enhance their reading ability.

This thesis briefly demonstrates the significance of English vocabulary and reading. It also simply analyses the lexical competence in vocabulary teaching, including the ability to perform rule-based generation or invention of new words and the ability to infer the meaning of new words in context. Reading strategies are also mentioned in this article, such as predicting, scanning and skipping. Furthermore, this article points out some problems in teaching vocabulary as well, and some useful vocabulary teaching techniques are also introduced in this thesis to help teachers teach vocabulary efficiently.


Keywords: vocabulary teaching; reading strategies; lexical competence;    English reading.






2.Literature Review1

3. A General Study of English Lexis and the Significance of Reading Teaching..2

3.1 The Importance of English Vocabulary...2

3.2 Lexical Competence3

3.3 The Significance of Reading Teaching4

3.4 Reading Strategies...6

4. Vocabulary Teaching in Reading Teaching...6

4.1Relationship between Reading and Vocabulary.7

4.2 Problems of Vocabulary Teaching......8

4.3 Methods of Vocabulary Teaching..10

5. Conclusion..12

Works Cited...14