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Task-based language teaching emphasizes ‘‘learning by doing’’, with characteristics of effective activities, active participation and the practical application of knowledge, which is the teaching method strongly recommended in the new curriculum standard. However, for a long time, due to the constraints of the English language environment, teaching perception, the language proficiency of teachers, the examination system and other factors, the application of task-based language teaching is not satisfactory in primary school English teaching. Therefore, the thesis expounds relative task-based language teaching theories and researches, analyzes the existing problems in primary school English teaching, and with the combination of the teaching practice mainly explores some strategies for a suitable and effective task-based language teaching mode.


Keywords: Task-based language teaching; primary school English teaching; new curriculum standard






2.Literature Review2


2.2 Task-based language teaching3

2.3 Researches on task-based language teaching.4

2.4Theoretical basis of task-based language teaching.5

3.Existing Problems in Primary School English Teaching .7

3.1 The traditional “teachers talk only” teaching mode.7

3.2 Unreasonable design of classroom activities7

3.3 Empty and impertinent classroom evaluation.8

4.Strategies to Establish a Suitable Task-based Language Teaching 9

4.1 Changing teachers’ role9

4.2 Designing effective task-based classroom activities .10

4.3 Using formative assessment.13

5. Conclusion14

Works Cited.16