With the acceleration of economic globalization, in modern society, the cross-company, cross-national, cross-cultural business activities have become increasingly frequent, intercultural exchanges between people of different cultural backgrounds with each day passing. The linguistic and cultural differences caused more obstacles. Understanding and mastering the knowledge and skills of cross-cultural communication under the multicultural background can reduce or eliminate the misunderstanding frictions and conflicts caused by cultural differences. This action also has great practical significance to effectively be engaged in international business activities and to improve productivity.
Keywords: cultural differences; international business; intercultural communication
1. Introduction-5
2. Intercultural Communication-5
2.1 Culture and Intercultural communication.-5
2.2 Importance of Intercultural communication-7
2.3 Reasons for Intercultural communication problem-8
3. The Intercultural Communication in International Business-10
3.1 Attitudes Towards Management-10
3.2 Intercultural communication in business contract-10
3.3 Intercultural communication in business negotiation-11
3.4 Intercultural communication in business etiquette-13
3.4.1 Making an appointment-14
3.4.2 Greeting-15
3.4.3 Giving gifts-15
4. Conclusion-16
Works Cited-17