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 Emily Bronte, a brilliant English poet and novelist in the nineteenth century, whose only novel Wuthering Heights since published have received numerous interpretations, especially in recent decades has aroused Chinese literary world’s concern.

     This thesis will be on the basis of many scholars at home and board research, digs out the various contrast in the novel and illustrates them in three aspects. First, the contrast between Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, which not only reflects Emily’s love for wilderness and nature but also expresses Emily’s inner conflict to return civilized society. Second, the contrast between characters, makes the characters images in the novel more plump. Third, the contrast between the love tragedy of the previous generation and the happy ending of the next generation, which enriches the characters images and deepens the theme of the novel.


Keywords: Wuthering Heights; contrast; character; theme





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Manifestations of Contrast in Wuthering Heights-3

3.1 Environment-3

3.2 The Major Characters-5

3.3 The love between the two generations-8

4. Artistic Effects of Contrasts in Wuthering Heights-9

4.1 Enriching the major character-9

4.2 Deepening the themes-10

5. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-12