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From the perspective of human recovery, this thesis analyses personal psychological salvation and growth experience in The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini. The book revolves around the kite and the two teenagers in Afghanistan, which is a mixture of love, fear, guilty, atonement and so on.  Amir, as the protagonist of the novel, got salvation and went on the way to be good again, where the brilliance of humanity came into view. Most of the scholars study the characters of Amir or Hassan. So far, almost no researchers have studied the good and evil of human nature from the perspective of comparing human nature between Amir and Assef. According to the thesis, we can learn that man’s nature is good at birth. This thesis will show loving care for the war-torn Afghanistan and the Middle East to remind us the stability of our lives, and to cherish what you have at the moment.


Key words: Khaled Hosseini;The Kite Runner;human nature; war





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Betrayal in The Kite Runner-4

3.1The betrayal of Amir-4

3.2 The betrayal of Amir’s father-5

4. The recovery of humanity in The Kite Runner-5

4.1 Amir’s redemption-5

4.2 Assef was eager to recover the humanity-7

4.3 The recovery of humanity based on the war-10

5. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13