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Listening plays an important role in English learning and listening comprehension is an important part of language ability. In recent years, foreign language teaching pays more and more attention to the development of listening comprehension ability. In view of this, the paper analyzes the psychological process of listening comprehension. And, it points out that listening comprehension can be roughly divided into three main stages. They are respectively pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening. 

The paper first introduces several related theories of listening comprehension, including schema theory, affective filter hypothesis theory and meta-cognitive theory.  Secondly, considering the importance of emotional factors in the process of listening comprehension, this paper respectively discusses the different emotional factors in the different stages of listening comprehension. First of all, fear and confidence are the two completely different emotional factors in the stage of pre-listening. In addition, in the stage of while-listening the two main emotional factors are anxiety and frustration. Lastly, despair and expectation are also the two completely different emotional factors in the stage of post-listening. 

Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions for teaching and learning of listening comprehension. On the one hand, in daily teaching activities teachers should develop students’ solid fundamental language skills and teach them some related language background information. According to the essence of listening comprehension, teachers should also develop students’ abilities of synthetic judgment and prediction. On the other hand, students should need to learn how to give themselves positive psychological hints and flexibility adjust their psychological state. In addition, the development of some good listening habits is also necessary. 


Key words: listening comprehension; psychological process; psychological factor






Chapter One  INTRUDCTION.1


2.1 Definition of Listening-3

2.2 Psychological Process of Listening-3

2.3 Schema Theory-5

Chapter There  Emotional Factors Affecting Listening Compresion-7

3.1 Pre-listening-7

   3.1.1 Fear-7

   3.1.2 Confidence-8

3.2 While-listening-8

   3.2.1 Axiety-8

   3.2.2 Frustration-9

3.3 Post-listening-9

Chapter Four  DISCUSION-9

4.1 Suggestions for Teachers-11

   4.1.1 Developing Students' Solid Fundamental Language Skills-11

   4.1.2 Teaching Language Background Information-12

   4.1.3 Developing Listeners' Abilities of Synthetic Judgment and Prediction-12

4.2 Suggestions for Students-13

Chapter Five  CONCLUSION-14