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Abstract: Asking questions in class is one of the important way of teacher-student communications. Effective questioning can increase teacher-student communications, stimulate students’ learning, inspire students’ thinking, help them to express and eventually help increase the effect of classroom teaching .This study tries to analyze the types of questions, wait time of the teacher,questioning strategies and ways of feedback based on the the English classroom obversation of two student teachers in a middle school. Some suggestions will be provided to the student teachers so that they could take a good advantage of effective questioning models to improve English teaching in the future.

Key words: teachers’ questioning models; questioning classifications; wait-time; questioning strategies; feedback






2.Literature Review 2

2.1 Related studies on teacher questioning

  2.1.1 The definition of teacher questioning

  2.1.2 The types of teacher questioning models

  2.1.3 Effective factors of teacher questioning

2.2 Development of teacher questioning at home and abroad 

3. Research Methodology.5

  3.1 Subjects

  3.2 Methods and Instruments

4. Findings and Discussion.5

4.1 Findings on the types of questions

4.2 Findings on the wait-time

4.3 Findings on the questioning strategies 

4.4 Findings on the ways of feedback

5.Conclusion and suggestion.13

