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Abstract: Politeness principle is an essential part in pragmatics, which not only plays an important role in daily communication but also in English class in junior middle school. Junior middle school English classroom as a special communication situation, politeness principle can guide the conversation between the teacher and students. This thesis based on the politeness principle, analyzes the teacher talk in the aspects of lexicon, voice and syntax, and makes a research on how to utilize the politeness principle into junior middle school English teaching in order to create a relaxing atmosphere to build up a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, enhances students’ confidence and ultimately raises teaching efficiency.

Key words: politeness principle; teacher talk; junior middle school English; application; enlightenments





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review...2

2.1 Leech’s Politeness Principle Theory

2.2 Current Studies of Politeness Principle

  2.2.1 Politeness Principle Abroad

  2.2.2 Politeness Principle at Home

3. Application of Politeness Principle in Junior Middle School English Class...6

3.1 Lexical Items

3.2 Voice

3.3 Syntax

4. Enlightenments of Politeness Principle in Junior Middle School English Class...8

  4.1 stimulating students’ enthusiasm and interests for English

  4.2 Enhancing students’ confidence

  4.3 Improving teaching efficiency

5. Conclusion10

