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Abstract: William Faulkner is a representative figure of American southern literature. His works show the deep southern complex. The bizarre Gothic characters and phenomena, the unique southern language, as well as some of the typical southern characters he portrayed in his works show some tragic lives in the history of the southern America. Starting from the important features of the southern complex in Faulkner’s works concerning southern Gothic elements, southern language and southern characterization, this paper aims to analyze William Faulkner’s southern complex in his works, which rings out the internal and external causes of Faulkner’s southern complex by combining the historical environment of that time to help readers understand his southern complex better. And finally the paper draws the conclusion that Faulkner’s southern complex originates from his deep love for his southern hometown.

Key words: southern complex; southern Gothic; characterization; cause





1. Introduction-1

1.1William Faulkner

1.2 Definition of the Southern Complex

2.Literature Review-2

3. Interpretation of the Southern Complex in Faulkner’s Works-3

3.1 Southern Gothic Elements

3.1.1Gothic Atmosphere

3.1.2 Gothic Plot

3.1.3 Gothic Characters

3.2 Southern Language

3.2.1 Southern Local Dialect

3.2.2 Southern Humor

3.3 Southern Characterization

3.3.1 Quentin Compson and Emily Grierson

3.3.2 Jason Compson

3.3.3 Caddy Compson

4. The Causes for the Shape of the Southern Complex-10

4.1 Internal Causes

4.2 External Causes

5. Conclusion-11

