Abstract: On the basis of Lefevere’s Rewriting Theory, translation is the effective way to transmit culture as well as a rewriting of the source text. By analyzing Howard Goldblatt’s English version of Lang Tu Teng, a novel about wolf culture in Mongolia, it shows that translation is influenced by several elements, including ideologies in terms of cultural differences and political systems, patronages in terms of the demand of publishing house and media comments, and poetics in terms of aesthetics and linguistic norms. Taking the acceptability of the target text into consideration, Howard Goldblatt adopts the rewriting methods of deletion, addition and alteration. Howard Goldblatt adopts the method of deletion when he deals with controversial political and historical views. Besides, some additions are employed in order to interpret Chinese cultural connotations. In addition, alteration is inevitably adopted so as to make the English version conform to the way of expression and stylistic structure in the target culture.
Key words: rewriting; André Lefevere; Howard Goldblatt; Lang Tu Teng
1. Introduction-1
1.1 Research Background
1.2 The Significance of the Study
2. Rewriting and Translation-2
2.1 Translation as Cultural Communication
2.2 Translation as Rewriting
3. Factors Involved in Howard Goldblatt’s Translation of Lang Tu Teng-3
3.1 Ideological Factor
3.1.1 Cultural Factor
3.1.2 Political Factor
3.2 Poetological Factor
3.3 Factor of Patronage
3.3.1 Publishing House
3.3.2 Media Comments
4. Howard Goldblatt’s Rewriting Methods-5
4.1 Deletion
4.2 Addition
4.3 Alteration
5. Conclusion-10