Abstract: Helen, the heroine of Anne Bronte’s work The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, flees bravely from the shackle of traditional religion on women and gradually grows into a virtuous and responsible woman with an independent personality, which reflects the growth of “the Angel in the House” in the Victorian era. This thesis analyzes Helen’s growth in religious belief and view of marriage and aims to probe into both internal and external causes of her growth. The internal causes of Helen’s growth deal with her personalities and experiences. The external causes of Helen’s growth include the influence of social environment and her matrimony.
Keywords: Helen ; growth ; religious Belief ; view of Marriage
1. Introduction .1
2. Literature Review 2
3. Embodiment of Helen’s Growth 2
3.1 Growth in Her Religious Belief
3.2 Growth in Her View of Marriage
4. Internal Causes of Helen’s Growth5
4.1 Her Personality
4.2 Her Experiences
5. External Causes of Helen’s Growth 6
5.1 Social Environment
5.2 Matrimony
6. Conclusion8