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Abstract: Translation of English TV dramas’ subtitles plays an increasingly important role in the cultural communication between China and other countries. This paper analyzes the three principles of that translation. After a thorough analysis on the principles of the translation of English dramas’ subtitles, it is concluded that three kinds of translation techniques can be adopted. They are simplification, adding and omission as well as adaptation. Through the application of these techniques, it is hope that the quality of the translation of English TV dramas’ subtitles can be improved.

Key words: English TV dramas’ subtitles; principles; translation techniques





1. Introduction...1

2. Principles of Translation of English TV Dramas' Subtitles..2

2.1 Conciseness

2.2 Consistency

2.2.1 In Accordance with the Image and Sound

2.2.2 In Accordance with the Plot

2.2.3 In Accordance with the Character

2.3 Time-space Constraints

3. Translation Techniques6

3.1 Simplification

3.2 Adding and Omission

3.3 Adaptation

4. Conclusion.8

