Abstract: Mansfield Park serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following during the whole process of Jane Austen’s creation of works. This novel, focusing on young people’s love and marriage, has complex plots and reflects the author’s female consciousness and her satire of the society. From the perspective of feminism, this thesis attempts to analyze the major female images ---- orthodox Lady Bertram and Mrs. Norris, snobbish Mary and Maria, decent Fanny. Through the analysis, this thesis aims to explore the author’s abandonment of orthodox female image, her pursuit of rational new female image, and her positive attitude towards female independence.
Key Words: female image; female consciousness; female independence
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. The Old Orthodox Females Identifying with Money-oriented Marriage-2
3.1 Lady Bertram
3.2 Mrs. Norris
4. The Young Snobbish Females Disregarding Morality-5
4.1 Maria Bertram-
4.2 Mary Crawford
5. The Decent Heroine Protecting Morality----Fanny-7
6. Conclusion-8