Abstract: This paper briefly introduces black humor and the embodiment of black humor in the language, the characters and the structure. Black humor is associated with the turbulence of America in the 1960s. Only black humor writing technique can better express such a sick, absurd society. Through the analysis of black humor in Catch-22, the article aims to reveal the absurdity, insanity and irrationality of the American society and its bureaucracy and help the readers get to know the real side of the contemporary society and the generation with no ideals, no faith, caused by that society.
Key Words: black humor; Joseph Heller; Catch-22; absurdity
1.1 Introduction to Catch-22
1.2 General explanation of black humor
1.3 Literature review
2.Black Humor Embodied in Catch-22..4
2.1 Black humor reflected in the language
2.1.1 Verbal irony
2.1.2 Understatement
2.1.3 Overstatement
2.2 Black humor reflected in the characters
2.2.1 Milo
2.2.2 Yossarian
2.2.3 The soldier in white
2.3 Black humor reflected in the structure