Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Background of the Study-1
1.2 Significance of the Study-2
1.3 Structure of the Thesis-3
Chapter Two Literature Review-4
2.1 Brief Overview of Skopos Theory-4
2.2 Documentary Subtitle Translation-5
2.2.1 Definition of Documentary Subtitle Translation-5
2.2.2 Previous Study on the Documentary Subtitle Translation-6
Chapter Three Analysis on Subtitle Translation of Exploring China from the Perspective of Skopos Theory-8
3.1 Introduction of BBC Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure-8
3.2 Documentary Subtitle Translation under the Guidance of Skopos Theory-9
3.2.1 Skopos Rule and Documentary Subtitle Translation-9
3.2.2 Coherence Rule and Documentary Subtitle Translation-9
3.2.3 Fidelity Rule and Documentary Subtitle Translation-10
3.3 Skopos Theory and Suggested Translation Skills in Documentary Subtitle Translation-10
3.3.1 Repetition-10
3.3.2 Amplification-11
3.3.3 Omission-11
3.3.4 Inversion-12
3.3.5 Voice Changes-12
Chapter Four Conclusion-13
4.1 Major Findings of the Research-13
4.2 Limitations and Suggestions for the Research-13
Nowadays, people are attaching importance to various Chinese food as well as culinary culture of China. The discovery of food and the presentation of Chinese food can offer people a better understanding of and explanation on Chinese culture and customs. This thesis focuses on the documentary subtitle translation with the case of Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure under the guidance of Skopos theory. It follows the Skopos theory principles of skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule, and presents the suggested skills of repetition, amplification, omission, inversion and voice changes, with the hope of pushing on the translation advancement of other culinary documentaries, especially the subtitle translation of Chinese delicacy masterpiece, A Bite of China, to promote the spread and popularity of Chinese culture.
Key words: Skopos theory Expolring China: A Culinary Adventure documentary subtitle translation