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关键词:含钛高炉渣 添加剂 熔化性 粘度


ABSTRACT:Titania slag melting temperature metallurgical characteristics of blast-furnace slag is an important factor in the blast furnace has a decisive role, through in-depth on the titanium-containing slag melting temperature of the study and solve vanadium-titanium magnetite smelting process the slag viscosity, poor flow properties, appear foamy slag, iron loss of a large amount of issues such as furnace conditions along the line to provide a theoretical basis for the blast furnace is important.

   This thesis to a factory in China vanadium titanium magnetite in blast furnace smelting slag as raw material, concluded that adding different additive in the laboratory using Rotary viscometer for viscosity and temperature curve in order to arrive at the melting temperature of the corresponding, focuses on the analysis of different additives on the effect of melting temperature of TI-bearing blast furnace slag, mainly to draw the following conclusions:① Under the conditions of this experiment, the melting temperature of TI-bearing blast furnace slag at 1250-1350 between slag flow in good condition and meet the requirement of smelting vanadium-titanium magnetite in blast furnace.②With increasing additive-a content and melting temperature of TI-bearing blast furnace slag also increased. When the additive content increased from 10.5%, melting temperature increases dramatically, however, when after more than 10.5% its content, are very gradually slow, melting temperature has little effect.③With increasing additive content of b and TI-bearing blast furnace slag melting phenomenon of elevated temperatures there have been reduced. Add the right amount of additives, b (less than 0.25%) can effectively reduce the melting temperature, but excessive amounts of increased additive b is the melting temperature quickly rise of TI-bearing blast furnace slag.④With increasing additive content of c, TI-bearing blast furnace slag melting temperature increases, and are very large.

Key words:  TI-bearing blast furnace slag  Additive  Melting sexual  Viscosity