摘要:操纵稳定性是汽车的重要使用性能之一,它不仅影响到汽车驾驶的操纵方便程 度,而且也是决定高速汽车行驶安全的一个重要性能,被称为“高速车辆的生命线”。 为尽快推出高性能的新车,全球各大汽车厂家纷纷引入了计算机虚拟样车技术,使 得设计者在汽车设计阶段便能很好地了解该车的性能,并能根据需要,修改相关的 零部件或性能参数,得到最优的整车性能。在多体系统动力学分析软件中,ADAMS 是车辆动力学中应用最广,最为著名的一个软件。本文正是利用动力学仿真软件 ADAMS 研究探讨悬架系统对操纵稳定性的影响。
本文应用多体系统动力学的理论和研 究方法,以多体系统动力学软件 MSC.ADAMS,首先建立麦弗逊式悬架系统模型,为了使悬架模型更加真实,使悬 架局部零件柔性化,并针对悬架系统的运动特性进行仿真研究,研究跳动工况下的 悬架系统的运动特性,做出了悬架系统运动特性几何分析相关参数的变化曲线图。
使用 ADAMS/CAR 通过修改模板参数及关键点位置,建立前悬架系统、转向系统、 后悬架系统、制动系统、动力传动系统、车身、轮胎等子系统,组建整车模型。针 对整车模型进行了开环跟随特性的仿真,包括转向盘角阶跃输入、转向盘角脉冲输 入、蛇形试验。对各项试验进行评分,表明该车操纵稳定性良好。然后对几个影响 操纵稳定性的主要因素进行讨论分析,包括质心高度、质心前后位置、前悬架刚度、 整车载荷度等参数。研究这些结构参数对整车瞬态响应的影响。
Abstract:The handling stability is one of the most important performances of vehicle. It can Influence not only the vehicle’s handling convenience,but also the safety of a vehicle at a high speed,so it is called“the lifeline of the vehicle at high speed”. In ordering to
improve the capability of automobile, more and more vehicle factories around the world make use of virtual prototype technology. The applications of virtual prototype technology help the designers to better understand the characteristic of ride comfort, controllability, stability and brake performance, so that they can judge if the performances of the vehicle meet the requirements. And we can prove the performances of the vehicle through amending the capability parameters. The software ADAMS, which developed with multi-body system dynamics, is the most fashionable and authoritative software in the field of mechanical dynamics simulation. This paper is mainly about there search of vehicle handling stability based on ADAMS.
In this paper, by introducing the multi-body system dynamics theory and research Methods, and use multi-body dynamics software MSC.ADAMS to establish a McPherson suspension systems model first. In order to make the model more vivid, suspend the flexibility of some local parts, the author does a simulation study on the movement characteristics of the suspension system. The study on movement characteristics of suspension system under the suspension of beating, based on which the author made a suspension of related geometric analysis parameter changes curve.
By using ADAMS/CAR through the revision of template parameters and the highlight point, the author establish a front suspension systems, steering systems, rear suspension systems, brake systems, power train, body, tires, and other subsystems to set up vehicle model. They do open-loop simulation for the vehicle model including steering wheel angle step input, steering wheel angle pulse input and pylon course slalom test. Judging from the test scores given, the car is proved to be high performance in the handling and stability. Also several main factors which may affect on handling stability are discussed in order to study the rule of vehicle parameters affecting on transient response, including mass gravity center height, the location of center of mass and the load.
Keywords: McPherson suspension, Handling and stability, Multi-body system Dynamics, Full vehicle assembly