摘 要:市场上的变速器种类繁多,各自的性能、优缺点不一,各具竞争力。在这众多类 型的变速器中,CVT 的发展潜力是最大的。CVT 结构比传统的变速器简单、体积更 小,它既没有手动变速器的众多齿轮,也没有自动变速器复杂的行星齿轮组。CVT 的普及必然是变速器发展中的一场革命,这是它本身的结构决定了的。
有些汽车制造公司已经把 CVT 的研发放在重要的位置,并且取得了领先地位, 如奥迪和日产。以奥迪为例,厂方就针对传统的 CVT 在斜坡上容易后溜以及行驶中 的橡皮筋现象进行了改良,在 1999 年底正式推出 Multitronic。除此之外,一些针对 CVT 缺点的改进技术正在研发测试中。这使 CVT 技术日趋成熟,从而为 CVT 的普 及打下稳实基础。
为使 CVT 能够普及,我们必须对它的一些方面进行改善。首先是提高 CVT 的变 速比,也就是增大 CVT 能控制的经济车速范围。第二就是 CVT 能输出的最大转矩, 保证输出过程中不打滑。第三就是带在传输过程中的问题,如偏斜、拉断等问题。第 四点就是如何让 CVT 实现真正的节油。本文就是从这些方面中找出突破点,找到问 题的解决方法。
Abstract:There are various transmissions, which have their own performance, and have their strong points and weak points. They all have competition. CVT has the most developmental potential in all transmissions. It structure is more simple and much less volume than traditional transmissions. It not only haven't so many gear like MT, but also haven't complicated planetary-gear like AT. CVT's popularization must be a revolution of the development of transmission, it structure has decided that.
Some automotive companies, Such as Audi and Nissan, have taken CVT's invention as importance and top in this field. For example, Audi aim at improving CVT's some aspects such as turning backwards-slide on the slope and elastic phenomenon, then put out "Multitronic"(CVT's type name) formally at 1999. Besides that, some technologies which aim at improving CVT's weak points are inventing and testing. That matures CVT's technology day by day, and for the CVT's popularization ground massive basic.
For the popularization of CVT, we must improve some aspects of it. First, we have to heighten the shift-scale. That to says, we have to increase the scale of the economical speed which CVT can controls. Secondly, we have to ensure the max torque, and make sure the strap not to slide in the output process. The third aspect is the problem of the strap, such as excursion and snap. The last aspect is how to make CVT consumes much less fuel. This text is to find out the breakthroughs of these aspects, and to find out the solutions.
Keyword:CVT, Excursion, Hydraulic pressure, Roller pole, Cone tray, Friction