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摘要:本文对制动系的分类、组成、特点及其工作原理进行了比较全面的分析,通过 对日产车制动系统的结构分析,并结合该轿车的部分数据后,分析得出了所设计轿 车制动系统的技术参数和外形尺寸,同时也对防抱死系统进行粗略的简介。随着社 会的发展,物流作为“第三源泉”越来越受人重视,而相对应低成本技术制动系统 既实现了在紧急情况下即使、安全的停车,保证物流全天工作等要求,又有环保的 特点。本文首先简要对车的制动总体结构进行分析,然后主要设计了日本车的前后 轮制动器和制动部分的零件。本设计轿车前后均采用实心浮动式钳盘制动器,根据 已有的汽车整备质量、总质量、轴距、前后轮距、轮胎的型号等数据,对制动系统 的性能参数进行选取,并对液压驱动机构和主要零件的结构进行设计和强度校核, 计算出前后制动器制动力的分配关系。最后利用 CATIA 软件对制动器进行实体建 模,通过对制动器的三维实体建模可以更加清晰的看出制动器的内部结构,从而对 了解制动器有更好的帮助。



Abstract:In this paper, the classification of the braking system, composition, characteristics and working principle of a more comprehensive analysis, by Santana structural analysis of the braking system, combined with some data of the cars, the design analysis of the car’s technical parameters of the braking system and form factor. With the development of the society, the material flow, viewed as the third source of profit, gain more and more attention. While the appearance of hardware technology concerned with automation and low cost of the matecrial flow accelerates automatic process of material flow. In addition, it dosen’t pollute the environment. This paper mainly designed brake system and of the intelligent vehicle.Before and after the designs are solid cars floating disk brake forceps, according to the existing car is data in quality noload, total mass, wheelbase, before and after the tread, tires, such as data models, the performance of the braking system to select parameters, and fluid pressure-driven institutions and major parts of the structure design and strength check,before and after the brake system to calculate the distribution of power relations. Finally, the use of CATIA software modeling entity brake, brake by the three-dimensional solid modeling can be seen more clearly the internal structure of brakes, which have a better understanding of brake assist.

Keywords: brake system,disc brake, braking parameters, entity